We are the Washougal Arts and Culture Alliance
The mission of the Washougal Arts and Cultural Alliance (WACA) is to foster a thriving local art scene that enhances a strong sense of place and community. The Alliance works in collaboration with artists, teachers, businesses, government agencies, and other community organizations to support and promote regional artists, increase opportunities for youth participation in the arts, and enhance exposure to the arts for Washougal residents and visitors to the area.
WACA is a completely volunteer run 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Your tax deductible donations will fund WACA’s efforts to expand the reach of public art and arts activities in the City of Washougal. You can make a donation online by clicking here or, alternatively, you can mail a check to WACA, PO Box 684, Washougal, WA 98671.
The flagship project of The Washougal Arts and Culture Alliance, the annual Washougal Arts Festival, strives to connect artists in our community with community members who love art. The Washougal Arts Festival showcases talented artists in our community and region, embracing the breadth of the arts. In recent years WACA has expanded the Washougal Arts Festival through collaboration with Washougal Songcraft Festival to create the Washougal Art & Music Festival.
Washougal Arts Festival
The Washougal Arts and Culture Alliance believes in partnerships. WACA engages in an ongoing collaboration with the Washougal School District on Youth Arts Month, a past collaboration with local nonprofit Unite! on two student-designed and painted murals mounted at Washougal Food Store, and a recent collaboration with local nonprofit ECCA on the community mural at Hamllik Park (see home page for information). We have also worked closely with the National Wildlife Refuge program associated with Steigerwald Lake to bring Claire Giordano as artist in residence to our local wildlife refuge. In addition, we serve as a resource for other entities looking to bring art to Washougal, be they private businesses or individuals interested in supporting or funding public art.
Finally, WACA supports local artists by funding the installation of public art pieces in our community.
Below are projects by individual artists that we have had a hand in funding across Washougal since our inception.
Here's to many, many more in the coming years!
Current Project
Two Rivers Heritage Sculpture on the Campanile
A dramatic focal point honoring our city’s history, including the intersection of native and settler cultures and our strong connection to the Washougal and Columbia rivers, will come to life through a stunning metal and glass sculpture which will become a cultural landmark with the potential to reinvigorate our civic spirit, inspire a deeper connection to place, and draw residents and visitors to our downtown core.

Our newest public art project aims to place the “Two Rivers Heritage Sculpture,” created by Sharon Agnor, on the campanile tower located at the site of the original water well in Reflection Plaza in downtown Washougal. The new steel and glass sculpture is designed to include a selection of significant events from Washougal history chosen after consultation with The Camas-Washougal Historical Society and Sam Robinson of the Chinook Nation. These events will be etched on metal waves that flow through history to tell the story of our town. A QR code tucked in an alcove will link to a more detailed history that can be read or listened to while walking around the sculpture looking at the etchings. These historical events will form a basis for education and conversation and connection to place. The history of indigenous peoples of the area will be an integral part of this artwork. We envision school assignments and field trips, library information tying into the historical events pictured, tours of the Two Rivers History Museum, and highlighting in city tourism marketing.
Inspired? We're fundraising now. Click here to contribute to bringing this sculpture to our city.
Completed Projects
Hamllik Park Community Mural
WACA collaborated with the East County Citizens' Alliance (ECCA) on a community mural project aimed at cultivating a sense of belonging and community pride through the collective creation of art. Funded by WACA and the City of Washougal and coordinated through ECCA, the project provided an opportunity for joyful creation of permanent artwork to enhance Hamllik Park.
View a slideshow of the evolution of the project from conception to completion here.

The Hamllik Park Community Mural was designed, painted and installed between November 2023 and June 2024.
We hope the mural inspires wonder, adds a playfulness and cheeriness to the space, sparks joy as people pass by, spurs conversations, and reminds people of the beauty and wonder we each carry within us which is amplified when we come together with common purpose.
Dreaming, a large, friendly bronze bear sculpture created by Heather Soderberg of Cascade Locks, was installed in January 2020. It is located on the corner of A Street and Pendleton Way in downtown Washougal.
This piece was a two-year WACA fundraising effort. In addition to public support raised by WACA, substantial contributors were also Jim and Betty Cooper of Washougal and the City of Washougal Tourism Fund.
It is a community favorite to take pictures with and adds charm to our downtown.

Princess White Wing
“…he thought he could see White Wing in the clouds and in the forest and in his dreams.” He said, “Come pretty bird and fly with me, for I am lonely and my nest is empty.”
The 2019 mural, designed and painted by internationally renowned Native American artist Toma Villa, is installed outside the Washougal Community Library for the entire community to enjoy.
If you are familiar with Washougal’s history, you know that Betsy White Wing Ough, a Cascades Tribe princess, along with her husband Richard Ough, founded our city. For her role, Betsy is lovingly referred to by many as the “Mother of Washougal.” The theme of the mural is Richard Ough courting Betsy White Wing Ough.
This project was funded by generous contributions from WACA supporters, a WA State Snap Grant and the City of Washougal.

Historic Lager
Historic Lager was commissioned in 2018 by WACA and created by prolific, local artist Travis London. It is located next to the Washougal Post Office on the wall of the Big Foot Inn in downtown Washougal.

Forever Faithful
Forever Faithful is a life-sized bronze sculpture of a Belgain Malinois, created in 2017 by prominent bronze sculptor Susan Bahary. It sits proudly outside the Washougal Police Department at 1320 A Street, Washougal. Thank you to the community for their donations to bring this piece to Washougal!

For The Birds Art Project
This artistic display of community inspired and created bird houses is located in the community garden and got its start in Fall of 2016.
The full WACA project vision included planting flowers and shrubs to create a beautiful butterfly and bird garden featuring these artistic bird houses of various sizes and design. A place of beauty!

Golden Back Heron
Golden Back Heron, created by Portland metal artist Tom Jackson in 2016, is a three-foot tall metal sculpture which stands in the rain garden next to the main parking lot at Washougal City Hall, 1701 C Street.

Bronze Seaman Sculpture
In August 2015, Washougal welcomed its newest resident, a bronze sculpture of Seaman, the Newfoundland dog that accompanied Lewis and Clark on their expedition which included a stop in Washougal for provisions. The life-sized bronze was created by Cascade Locks artist Heather Stoderberg-Greene. He was made possible by the fund raising efforts of WACA and the Columbia Gorge Woman’s Association.
The piece is now a fixture in downtown Washougal, delighting children and families who climb on his back for photos and community members who decorate him to celebrate seasons!

WACA Board Members
Susan Warford | Jim Cooper | Molly Coston | Janice Ferguson | Michelle Wagner | Chuck Carpenter | Kathy Huntington
Become a Member of the Washougal Arts and Culture Alliance!
Interested in helping to foster a thriving local arts scene?
Love art and share a passion for supporting local artists? Want more public art in Washougal?
Interested in receiving a monthly newsletter with arts related news and upcoming events and activities?
We are a volunteer-run nonprofit that depends on the generosity of the community to fund public art and arts activities.
All donations go to support of the arts in Washougal.